
The Stewardship Committee has oversight of the financial planning and management of the Meeting as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to, preparation and supervision of the Annual Budget, raising funds to meet the needs of the Meeting, and reviewing capital and long-range needs and plans. 

Supporting The Work Of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting


Much goes on at Gwynedd Meeting, all of which takes careful and dedicated management and financial planning. Gwynedd is very fortunate in having a diverse and creative membership, actively engaged in addressing spiritual and social concerns. One group called “The Gathering Garden” challenges the depths of our spiritual souls. Our children, along with children from the UK, explore the lives and values of Welsh Quaker ancestors. The Peace Camp promotes harmony in the children it serves. Regularly scheduled coffeehouses, ad hoc discussion groups, a vegetable garden and our pre-school all broaden our offerings. Not to mention that Meeting for Worship regularly attracts a very large number of worshipers. The resulting ministry buoys us all.

We are very fortunate to have inherited a lovely campus and beautifully simple meetinghouse to accommodate what we do at Gwynedd. These need care and maintenance. The Stewardship Committee ensures that these facilities will be used for the greatest good by current members and attenders, and will also be preserved for future generations. Our property has been carefully passed down from generation to generation for over 300 years. Our inheritance is a blessing, entrusted to us for doing God’s work, including caring for one another, learning and living our faith, and being witnesses in the world. "All that we have, in our selves and our possessions, are gifts from God, entrusted to us for our responsible use. Jesus reminds us that we must not lay up earthly treasures for ourselves, for where our treasures are, there will our hearts be also". With God’s help and with yours, we will continue to be good stewards of all that has been given to us. Gwynedd Meeting means many things to many people. It is about God’s love for each of us. It is about worship, community, fellowship and friendship, and helping those in need. It is about being good neighbors in our community and the world. It is about giving our children strong religious training. Certainly it is not primarily about money, but our financial gifts and generosity are what makes the rest possible. Stewardship begins with a recognition that God is a generous giver and that we are called upon to be grateful, responsive and responsible people.”

Make a donation to Gwynedd Monthly Meeting

Because of the Meeting’s ongoing expenses we have found it is beneficial if you can make your contribution on a regular basis.

If you wish to do so by using Automatic Direct Deposit, please fill in the Automatic Direct Deposit Form. Send the form to:
Gwynedd Monthly Meeting
1101 DeKalb Pike
North Wales PA 19454

Contributions also can be made by check to Gwynedd Monthly Meeting and mailed to: Treasurer, Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, 1101 DeKalb Pike, North Wales, PA 19454

Request reimbursement from Gwynedd Monthly Meeting

Once you have completed the appropriate approval process, submit requests for reimbursement from Gwynedd Monthly Meeting by downloading and completing the Check Request Form.

Arthur D'Adamo, 12/22/2020
Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


New to Meeting for Worship? 

MfW 3 small
If you've never attended a Meeting for Worship, we hope you will come worship with us -- give it a try.   

Most Quaker meetings, at least in this part of the country, are so-called "unprogrammed" meetings. This means that our meetings for worship are not led by a minister, but are largely conducted in silence.  Typically, a Clerk or other Member of the Meeting will close worship with a simple "Good morning friends" but otherwise the meeting may be completely silent. 


Members and attenders are always invited to speak out of the silence with a message about their spiritual journey, although messages are not responded to directly .

A message has been described as a pebble tossed into a pond.  The resulting ripples are received by others in the meeting and may contribute to their own spiritual journeys. 

Continuing Revelation

In the Religious Society of Friends, continuing revelation comes from the Inner light or the light within. This light has traditionally been identified as the spirit of Christ or Christ within, although not all Friends associate the inner light with Christ. It is understood as the presence of God which provides illumination and guidance to the individual and through individuals to the group.

Because Friends believe that revelation is ongoing, we have no set creed or dogmas and we believe that new truth is revealed to us as we continue our spiritual journeys individually and with one another.

As early Friends listened to the inner light and endeavored to live accordingly, a common set of beliefs gradually emerged, which became known as Quaker testimonies. Although rooted in the immediate experience of the community of Friends, these testimonies are based on what Friends believe are verified in the Bible, especially the Gospels regarding the life and teachings of Jesus, and in our ongoing discernment of God’s desire for us to fulfill loving relationships with each other and the world.

PYM (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) Quakers consider the inner light to be above and beyond the Bible and other formalistic, written dogmas. We trust that the continuing revelation of the inner light speaks to us in our everyday lives.  


Hubb Manager, 10/15/2019