Fellowship and Outreach

The Fellowship and Outreach Committee plans and holds events to build and strengthen a sense of belonging and cohesiveness among members and attenders and raise the profile of Gwynedd Meeting in the community. Many events are also open to the general public. 

Food and Fellowship


The committee organizes the Food and Fellowship that follows Meeting for Worship on the second Sunday of most months. Each committee of the Meeting is host for one month, when they serve snacks and beverages and clean up. Members and attenders are encouraged to bring food to share as they are able.

A sign-up sheet is kept on a clipboard on the bulletin board in the community room showing which committees or individuals are responsible.


Gwynedd Friends “2nd Saturday Coffeehouse”

Coffeehouses are held the 2nd Saturday of October, November, December, March, April and May. The purpose of this outreach project is to provide high quality entertainment at a price ($8) that is accessible to people in our greater community. Some of the causes funded are listed below.

The monies collected at the Coffeehouse cover expenses including the cost of the performers, and support the sponsored charity of the evening.

Some of the charities that we have contributed to are
Afghan Education Fund,
• American Friends Service Committee,
• the Bolivian Quaker Education Fund,

FoodCollection• Friends Neighborhood Guild,
• Friends Transition Support Services,
• Habitat for Humanity,
• Heifer Project,
• Inter-Faith Hospitality Network of Ambler and Hope Gardens,
• Manna on Main Street,
• Prisoner Visitation and Support,
• Ramallah Friends School,
• School Aid to Mozambique Orphans,
• Children's Aid Society of Montgomery County,
• Gwynedd Preserve (Natural Lands Trust)


Poetry and Prose Night

Members, attenders and friends are invited to read poetry and prose, which has added meaning to their lives. They may have pieces that they themselves have written, or are from favorite authors. Poetry and Prose Night has been typically held on a Saturday evening in the month of January.

The Christmas Tea

The tea is held at 5 pm on a Sunday before Christmas with a finger foods pot luck, beverages furnished by the committee.

Kitchen Inventory

The committee keeps the meetinghouse kitchen stocked with basic items and assists other committees with hospitality when called upon.

Name Tags

The committee makes name tags for new attenders and members. 

Other Events

The committee hosts or co-hosts other events such as family game nights, potluck meals, and picnics.

Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you which has answers to common questions about joining us for worship or other events.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit



Folks come to us looking for a spiritual home. Please visit. Quakers believe in the presence of God in everyone. Regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or reason, you will find a warm welcome from us.
In addition to our belief in that of God in everyone, we believe in direct communion with the Divine. In other words, Spirit speaks and guide us directly. Our worship is in silence as we wait expectantly for that connection.
In worship we gather in silence, quiet our minds, calm our hearts, and seek the source of love and truth in our lives. At times, Friends feel called to stand and speak a message given from the divine.
We eagerly welcome believers of all faiths as fellow members of God's universal community. Our Meeting for Worship service, Sundays at 9:30 AM, is open to everyone in person and on a Zoom link. We also have Worship on Wednesday evenings at 8PM on the same Zoom link.
We enter our worship rooms quietly. The worship begins as you enter in silence. There are no assigned seats. We do not have a pastor who leads us.
We Quakers bear witness to our core beliefs through direct action on a variety of social concerns, like housing the homeless, supporting food banks, and standing vigil for peace. We work locally, nationally, and internationally. Quakers often say, “Our service begins when worship ends.” 
For Information on how to join worship via ZOOM, you can click here. You can expect a warm welcome and meaningful worship.
Click here for Childcare and Youth programs.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

Contact our Office Manager: Rochelle Tormollen, Address: 1101 DeKalb Pike, Gwynedd, PA 19454, Phone: 215-699-3055,
Email: office@GwyneddMeeting.org  Your calls and emails will be returned.