

In support of the activities, concerns, and outreach of the Meeting community, the Property Committee keeps the buildings and grounds of Gwynedd Meeting in good repair and its functioning parts in good working order.   

The Spirit of a Place

Places, manmade or natural, can have inherent qualities that lift the spirit. Gwynedd Friends Meeting's architecture as a manifestation of the elegantly simple together with its gardens conveys a sense of timelessness and tranquility. Especially the play of light and shadow in the historic meetinghouse help us sense a unique transcending relationship in a moment of time, taking us beyond the material qualities. The impact of these revelatory relationships can trigger chords deep within us, can bring us in touch with the Source of creation and the mystery of existence. Providing for the preservation and maintenance of this special place is our work as a committee and its members.

Work Day

Each spring and fall the Property Committee organizes a Work Day at Gwynedd Meeting. Work Day is a great opportunity for Friends to join together in work and fellowship. Such activities as window washing, painting, making minor repairs, doing routine
maintenance, weeding, leaf raking, planting, and pruning enable Friends to make a valuable contribution to the Meeting, 
which reaps the benefit of having the work accomplished by the careful, caring hands of its own members and attenders. Friends make a valuable contribution by saving the meeting the expense of paying for this work.

Work Day also provides a way for Gwynedd Friends to grow closer as a community; working together and supporting one another. Watch the newsletter in the spring and fall for a chance to join the fun.

Burial Grounds

Gwynedd’s Property Committee is responsible for the burial ground on the meetinghouse property at Sumneytown Pike and Route 202 (DeKalb Pike), and the Penllyn burial ground on the northwest side of Penllyn Pike about halfway between the railroad station and Gypsy Hill Road. The Penllyn site is about seventy-feet square with an enclosing stone wall. It was originally part of the Orthodox Meeting that operated there following the Meeting’s schism in the 1820s. Burials at this site are still allowed.

The burial ground located at the GwWorkdayNeiTynedd Meetinghouse is divided into three sections. Section A, the oldest part, is open only to Gwynedd members who have family plots. Section B, which opened in the mid-1930s consists of 4’ x 8’ plots and is where most current burials take place. Section C was created in the 1970s, and consists of eighteen-inch square plots that are for cremations only.  The burial ground is open to members and attenders of Gwynedd Meeting, members of The Religious Society of Friends from other meetings, and non-Friends on a case-by-case basis, with the approval of the Trustees of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting.

Gwynedd’s Property Committee is responsible for the upkeep of both sites. A clerk from the Property Committee assists with burial plot sales, and keeps records and plans up-to-date.

The Avalon House at Gwynedd Meeting

The Avalon House at Gwynedd Friends Meeting’s Hilltop Property is a transitional housing option offered to individuals who have temporary financial limitations. There are six private bedrooms with shared bathrooms. An attractive living room, dining room, den and very large kitchen are available for all to use.  A committee oversees the admission of residents and maintenance of the property.
Contact Neil Trueblood for further information.

Community Use of the Meetinghouse Property

Gwynedd Friends Meeting encourages the use of its interior and exterior spaces by the community.  To make a request, please ask the Office Manager about space availability, building use guidelines, cost-sharing information and reservation arrangements. You can reach the Office Manager by telephone: 215-699-3055 or by e-mail:

Memorial and Tribute Giving

Significant life events can be recognized in a tangible way with a memorial or tribute gift. Opportunities include marking the birth of a child, a marriage, a special birthday or anniversary, or the death of a loved one.

A short inscription is added to the accession tag and attached to a lower branch of the tree. The donor will arrange to care for the tree for the first year after it is planted. This entails a recommended regimen of checking on and watering.

Other Memorial and Tribute Opportunities
Contributions for horticultural projects are always welcome. These gifts fund planting throughout Gwynedd’s grounds. Donors can specify which part of the grounds they wish to support. Some examples are

Native plant communities
Maintenance of our current trees
Gardens surrounding the building including the Gathering Garden
Landscaping surrounding the caretaker’s home
Native plant meadow

All plants will be chosen in accordance with the Meeting’s plan for the stewardship of our property and the goal to increase the biodiversity on our land, a sacred place that celebrates creation and life.

The Property Committee has a list of approved plants for this purpose. Plants not on the list will be considered if they fit into the plan.

PennDOT project 2019

The first phase of PennDOT’s Section 65S Project has begun. The Project objective is to improve the Sumneytown Pike/ Dekalb Pike intersection beside our property. PennDOT’s environmental consultant, Rue Environmental, came to our property in October and November and performed archaeological excavations close to Sumneytown Pike. Our concern is that graves will be disturbed by the construction, and that remains will need to be relocated. So far, Rue Environmental has found no remains, but an intriguing stone building foundation was uncovered. We were unaware of any structure in that area, and we await professional interpretation.



Arthur D'Adamo, 12/21/2020
Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


New to Meeting for Worship? 

MfW 3 small
If you've never attended a Meeting for Worship, we hope you will come worship with us -- give it a try.   

Most Quaker meetings, at least in this part of the country, are so-called "unprogrammed" meetings. This means that our meetings for worship are not led by a minister, but are largely conducted in silence.  Typically, a Clerk or other Member of the Meeting will close worship with a simple "Good morning friends" but otherwise the meeting may be completely silent. 


Members and attenders are always invited to speak out of the silence with a message about their spiritual journey, although messages are not responded to directly .

A message has been described as a pebble tossed into a pond.  The resulting ripples are received by others in the meeting and may contribute to their own spiritual journeys. 

Continuing Revelation

In the Religious Society of Friends, continuing revelation comes from the Inner light or the light within. This light has traditionally been identified as the spirit of Christ or Christ within, although not all Friends associate the inner light with Christ. It is understood as the presence of God which provides illumination and guidance to the individual and through individuals to the group.

Because Friends believe that revelation is ongoing, we have no set creed or dogmas and we believe that new truth is revealed to us as we continue our spiritual journeys individually and with one another.

As early Friends listened to the inner light and endeavored to live accordingly, a common set of beliefs gradually emerged, which became known as Quaker testimonies. Although rooted in the immediate experience of the community of Friends, these testimonies are based on what Friends believe are verified in the Bible, especially the Gospels regarding the life and teachings of Jesus, and in our ongoing discernment of God’s desire for us to fulfill loving relationships with each other and the world.

PYM (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) Quakers consider the inner light to be above and beyond the Bible and other formalistic, written dogmas. We trust that the continuing revelation of the inner light speaks to us in our everyday lives.  


Hubb Manager, 10/15/2019