Gathering Garden

The Gathering Garden is under the care of the Worship and Ministry Committee to explore alternative ways of fostering spiritual growth.

Constance Lezenby, M.A.   Spiritual Director, Phone: 267-664-3721

Who we are: We are a group of individuals committed to making many different avenues of spiritual exploration and growth available in an interfaith atmosphere. We welcome everyone. Our programs are intended for the general public.

Unless otherwise noted our programs are at Gwynedd Friends Meeting, 202 and Sumneytown Pike, in Gwynedd, Pennsylvania. On occasion, meditations are held at other venues or, occasionally, cancelled. If you are not on our email list, please call Connie Lezenby (215-664-3721) for information regarding any schedule change.

Fall and Winter 2018–2019 Programs

7:15 – 9:00 PM, OCTOBER 11 – MAY 9, 2019

“Holy Listening – to “listen” another’s soul into life, into a condition of disclosure and discovery, may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another.” – Douglas Steere.
Group spiritual direction is a process in which 4-5 people gather in a small group on a monthly basis to assist one another in an ongoing awareness of God in all of life. Each member of the group seeks support for their responsiveness to God and they agree to support others in responding to God’s work in their lives.
Location: Library, First Floor Counseling Room, Second Floor Conference room
Cost $30
Contact: Connie Lezenby 267-664-3721 or for questions and registration.

Uma Anmangandla, a student of Ashwini Aragam, a certified Yoga instructor will offer class of gentle Hatha yoga. Bring towel or yoga mat for sitting on the floor and wear comfortable clothing. Register on the first evening.
Location: Community Room
Cost $5 Per Class
Contact: Uma Anmangandla or Chuck Maxfield for questions.

SATURDAY, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM, January 8, 2022
In the midst of busy holiday times come for a day of silent retreat. We will gather to share our prayers and hopes for the day, then see where the spirit will lead each of us through journaling, art work, labyrinth walking, meditation and sitting quietly by ourselves in silence. At the end of the day we will meet to gather the graces. Bring a journal, sketchbook, needlework, simple crafts, or spiritual readings. Also bring a bag lunch and snacks to share. Drinks will be provided.
Location:Gwynedd Friends Meeting and grounds
Cost: $10
Connie Lezenby or 267-664-3721 for questions and registration.

Join our small, informal discussion group to explore Quaker and other spiritual traditions. To help enrich the discussion, bring a few passages you would like to share with the group. Our three fall sessions:
  October 8: The Gathered Meeting, Pendle Hill Pamphlet (PHP) #444 by Steven Davison
  November 12: The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, New Testament, any translation
  December 10: A Plea for the Poor, PHP#357 by John Woolman
We will select our readings for the spring sessions in March, April and May as we go along.
Location: Gwynedd Library
Cost: Free
Contact: Carol Ritting or Jane Berger for questions.

Location and directions will follow by email closer to each date. All members, attenders and children are welcome. Contact: Steve Kerr or James Quinn

Arthur D'Adamo, 7/4/2020
Hello and welcome to our meeting. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit


New to Meeting for Worship? 

MfW 3 small
If you've never attended a Meeting for Worship, we hope you will come worship with us -- give it a try.   

Most Quaker meetings, at least in this part of the country, are so-called "unprogrammed" meetings. This means that our meetings for worship are not led by a minister, but are largely conducted in silence.  Typically, a Clerk or other Member of the Meeting will close worship with a simple "Good morning friends" but otherwise the meeting may be completely silent. 


Members and attenders are always invited to speak out of the silence with a message about their spiritual journey, although messages are not responded to directly .

A message has been described as a pebble tossed into a pond.  The resulting ripples are received by others in the meeting and may contribute to their own spiritual journeys. 

Continuing Revelation

In the Religious Society of Friends, continuing revelation comes from the Inner light or the light within. This light has traditionally been identified as the spirit of Christ or Christ within, although not all Friends associate the inner light with Christ. It is understood as the presence of God which provides illumination and guidance to the individual and through individuals to the group.

Because Friends believe that revelation is ongoing, we have no set creed or dogmas and we believe that new truth is revealed to us as we continue our spiritual journeys individually and with one another.

As early Friends listened to the inner light and endeavored to live accordingly, a common set of beliefs gradually emerged, which became known as Quaker testimonies. Although rooted in the immediate experience of the community of Friends, these testimonies are based on what Friends believe are verified in the Bible, especially the Gospels regarding the life and teachings of Jesus, and in our ongoing discernment of God’s desire for us to fulfill loving relationships with each other and the world.

PYM (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) Quakers consider the inner light to be above and beyond the Bible and other formalistic, written dogmas. We trust that the continuing revelation of the inner light speaks to us in our everyday lives.  


Hubb Manager, 10/15/2019